@article{oai:fun.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003049, author = {美馬, 義亮 and 柳, 英克 and 木村, 健一}, issue = {IX}, month = {}, note = {We have a long history of graphical tools for drawing, painting, and rendering. Those systems are designed to be the replacement of tools such as pencil, eraser, pen, brush, and canvas. Our system, which we call ThinkingSketch, is a tool that designed not only as thereplacement of conventional drawing tools, but also intended to help user to be more creative in drawing pictures. ThinkingSketch enables user to create series of artworks with same design taste. The basic key concept for art work creation on this tool is "trace and copy." On this tool, user makes graphic elements by tracing scanned artworks. Then combine and transform the elements to canvas. For example, some positioning rules are provided as a built-in tool and user tune its parameters. Finally, colors are assigned with mapping from color palette, which is generated by extraction from existing artworks. Once user defines basic primitives, layout rules, and color mapping parameters, this software can generate pictures with same taste with randomization. User can update the control parameters and change the style of pictures being generated. The operation cycle of de ning rules, generating pictures, and reflection is a good experience of understanding what artistic taste is. Right now, we are designing and implementing ThinkingSketch as a tool both for for education tool for students of art course in early stage and professional designer., WISS2001}, pages = {51--60}, title = {「絵画生成を行うツール:ThinkingSketch」}, volume = {WISS2001}, year = {2001} }