@inproceedings{oai:fun.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003364, author = {Ohkoshi, Yasumitsu and Ino, Takumi and Ohsumi, Yuhei and Maeda, Tatsunori and Suzuki, Kou and Kotake, Satoshi and Uehara, Hisano and Yoshida, Toshinori and Kawakami, Kensaku and Suzuki, Shouzi and Kato, Koji and Yamanaka, Masanori and Tohyama, Harukazu}, book = {Orthopaedic Research Society 2012 Annual Meeting}, month = {Mar}, pages = {0894--0894}, publisher = {Orthopaedic Research Society}, title = {Acl-deficiency Induces Quadriceps Avoidance in the Uninjured Contralateral Leg During Ambulation}, year = {2012} }